Apple- Reception 2024 - 2025
Mrs Holmes
Mrs Clements
Hello and a warm welcome to Apple Class
Mrs Clements- Class teacher- Monday,Tuesday and Wednesday
Mrs Holmes-Class teacher - Thursday and Friday (School SENCo Mon,Tues, Wed)
Miss Shepherd - Teaching Assistant - Full Time
Welcome to Upton Westlea school- we hope that you and your family are safe and well.
We strive to provide a nurturing, stimulating, engaging curriculum for your children.
We will be spending the first few weeks getting to know each other and linking our activities to the children's interests.
Reception class (collect from playground) 8.35 am
Gates shut 8.40 am
The children follow the EYFS curriculum which was new from September 2021. We use Little Wandle Letters and Sounds and White Rose for Number and Maths and Mastering Number. We also work through a whole school program called 'No Outsiders'.
The children take part in daily phonics sessions.
Remember snack money is £1.20 each Monday (or can be paid half termly).
PE will be on Monday afternoons.
P.E kit is a white PE t-shirt, black/blue leggings / tracksuit bottoms, black/ blue hoddie and appropriate footwear.
Dojo rewards is a great way for the children to be rewarded for everything fabulous that they do! We have sent home log in details for you to be kept notified whenever your child receives a dojo in class. Please try to register with your log in details as this is a great motivator.
Files to Download
Apple- Reception: News items
Champions of the Week 7.2.2025, by Ms Carruthers
Champions of the Week 31.1.2025, by Ms Carruthers
Champions of the Week 24.1.2025, by Ms Carruthers
Apple- Reception: Galleries items
Odd Socks Day, by Mrs Carruthers
Family Member to School, by Mrs Carruthers
MacMillan Cake Sale, by Mrs Carruthers
Apple- Reception: Calendar items
Chester Zoo Workshop, by Mrs Evington
Parents Evening, by Mrs Evington
Chester Zoo Workshop, by Mrs Evington