French at Upton Westlea

When learning a modern foreign language, pupils need to show excellent listening skills and the ability to follow instructions. They require a combination of oral and written skills, demonstrating a flare for the language. A good modern foreign language student will also show a keen interest in practising their second language in context; when given the opportunity to interact with foreign visitors or holidaying in another country. Aside from the spoken language, a good MFL student will embrace different cultures and traditions and enjoy learning about different communities and landmarks.

At Upton Westlea Primary School, we follow a scheme that enables pupils to learn French. A variety of spoken words and phrases are embedded into their learning across Key Stage 2 and children are encouraged to rehearse these words and phrases and use them within different contexts and situations. As well as the language, children are given opportunities to explore France as a country; its capital, landmarks and traditions.

Spiritual - Pupils get a sense of fascination about linking their own language to another language and exploring the new words and phrases.Pupils get excited about learning a new language. All pupils are at the same starting point and it allows them to build a foundation for their next step in MFL.They have had a chance to reflect on what they have learned about French – speaking, understanding the countries and people that live there; either from direct experience (shared in class) or from the teacher’s shared experience using photos, letters and stories.

Moral - Pupils recognise the importance of learning a MFL from another country to enable them to respect how difficult it is when people visit Britain and try to speak a new language. Pupils learn to take the risk of making mistakes and appreciate that other pupils are attempting to speak another language.Children are encouraged to treat others the way you would like them to treat you, to be respectful to their classmates, to learn from/with older students.Pupils listen to other people’s ideas and opinions and encourage, trust and praise each other.
Respect is shown for the displays in the classrooms and on the corridors.

Social - Children join in oral work / class discussions.They work well with others in their group/ class
Pupils take responsibility for your own learning. Show pride for their own work / achievements and that of their friends. They are proud of the diverse community within our school.

Cultural - In learning a MFL from another culture, pupils begin to appreciate somesimilarities and differences between France and Britain. Pupils explore famous landmarks and the history and heritage linked to these landmarks in Britain and France. Pupils can compare the Arts (famous artists, composer, singers) and sport between countries. Displays share work that celebrates cultural aspects from other countries.

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