Maths at Upton Westlea

Mathematics at Upton Westlea

Mathematics in the Early Years

Planning is taken from the White Rose Scheme for Reception. Staff within Nursery and Reception use the Development Matters document to support planning and enhancing the children's Continuous Provision activities to support the children's learning within Number, with Shape, Space and Measure topics being planned for during the year. Within Nursery, the areas and activities covered can be found within the half termly pacers and weekly planning. For Reception, the overview of the White Rose being taught can be found on the LTP for Maths with activities and additional information included. In lessons, the children are taught Maths in a range of practical ways in both adult led and adult directed tasks. During child initiated play, children are encouraged to develop their mathematical skills; all areas include an element of both number and SSM where appropriate. Cross curricular links are made wherever possible and areas enhanced to provide challenge for pupils, giving children the opportunities to apply their skills in a range of different contexts. Reception follow the Mastering Number Programme. Mastering Number is a programme that supports the children's understanding of number and helps to support deepening their understanding within daily sessions.

Mathematics at KS1 and KS2

For Mathematics, Upton Westlea use Maths No Problem. Maths No Problem is a Mastery approach for teaching Maths. The children work through the different chapters of the textbooks and cover the full National Curriculum over the course of the year. Each year group has their own programme to follow. The objectives are split down into smaller steps to ensure children gain a good and deepened understanding of the concept being taught. The schemes can be found attached for each year group. On entry in the morning, the children complete Morning Maths which focus on consolidation of mental calculations, times tables, written methods and fractions. In lessons, the teaching follows the same structure to ensure a consistent approach which provides children with the opportunity to discuss and collaboratively work with their peers on the mathematical learning. Key Stage 1 also follow the Mastering Number programme to support deepening the children’s understanding of number.

Mathematics at home

We encourage children to practice their Math's skills at home. Your child's class teacher will set Math's homework at least every other week linked to their learning in Math's lessons. As a school we use Times Table Rock Stars, this enables the children to practice the fundamental skills of times tables in a fun approach. The children can access this at home through a personal login and practice the times tables set by their teacher. 



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