Writing at Upton Westlea
Our school uses a text-based approach for the teaching of writing which not only equips our children with the necessary skills to be confident, independent writers but has also helped them to develop a love for writing.
We use ‘Pathways to Write’ which is a methodology developed by The Literacy Company. High quality, engaging texts are used as a hook for each unit of work and children are taught to develop their vocabulary, reading and writing skills relevant to their current year group.
This mastery approach to writing allows the children to develop and practice their writing skills over a series of short tasks, often focussing on only 2-3 key objectives. Towards the end of the unit, they then plan, draft, write, evaluate and edit a longer, independent piece of writing using everything they have mastered throughout the particular unit.
Year 1 and 2 follow the Little Wandle Spelling which is a natural progression from Little Wandle Phonics. Phonics is embedded through the spelling sessions across both year groups with bridging units introduced in year 2 which then leads to learning spelling patterns and rules from the National Curriculum for year 2.
When the children enter key stage two, the children are taught spelling using the Pathways to Spell spelling programme which makes direct links with our Pathways to Write units. It covers the requirements of the National Curriculum for spelling at key stage 2 through a range of activities such as collaborative learning and spoken language. The programme consolidates previously taught spelling objectives from earlier year groups combined with teaching a new spelling focus each week. There is also an opportunity to learn spellings from the National Curriculum spelling lists or common exception words which have a direct link to the text used during Pathways to Write sessions.