History at Upton Westlea

A good historian should be curious and inquisitive about events in the past and recognise how these have impacted upon the way we live our lives today.   They should be able to question and give opinions about different events in history and recognise the practical and social implications of the decisions made throughout time; with some thought into whether these decisions were considered morally acceptable.

At Upton Westlea Primary School, we view History not only as simple facts and dates but encourage pupils to become detectives who explore the past in an exciting way. History is taught mainly through a topic-based approach and gives pupils a chance to explore in a varied approach in which the past may come alive.

History allows our children to compare and contrast, to examine how and why things have changed, to learn about historical characters and expand their research skills. We teach children to be open minded and enquiring thinkers who understand cause and effect. We want them to understand how people have lived in the past and compare this to modern life. We encourage first hand experiences through handling real artefacts and wherever possible arranging fieldwork visits to relevant sites of historical interest in the region or bringing in specialists for in-school workshops.

SpiritualThe study of History involves a sense of curiosity and the mystery of how and why events in the past happened and raises questions as to what could have happened if events had had different results. Artefacts are used to give pupils a sense of the past and aid pupils in understanding the people who produced and used these objects. Pupils are encouraged to explore the roles played by important individuals, for good or ill, in the shaping of the world we live in. Pupils also reflect upon different interpretations of the past and how these interpretations have been arrived at.

Moral - Pupils are asked to consider and comment on moral questions and dilemmas. Events and beliefs in the past will often be at odds with what we would consider unacceptable today (and were to some people in the past also).Pupils will be encouraged to show compassion for people facing dilemmas and to empathise with decisions which people in the past made and the reasoning behind these decisions.Notions of right and wrong are explored in connection with events from the past, linking with the value of justice

SocialPupils will explore the similarities and contrasts between past and present societies and be made aware of how, in the main, we are very fortunate to live in ‘the modern world’ which links with the value of thankfulness.  They will examine how other cultures have had a major impact on the development of ’British’ culture. Pupils will also be encouraged to build up their own social development through collaborative and team working activities. The study of social issues is a common theme in History lessons

Cultural - Pupils will study and be encouraged to gain an understanding of and empathise with, people from different cultural backgrounds. They will examine how other cultures have had a major Impact on the development of ’British’ culture.Pupils develop a better understanding of our Multi-cultural societies through studying links between local, British, European and world history. The contribution of different cultures to human development and progress are studied, which links with the values of wisdom and endurance.