Ash- Year 2 2024 - 2025
Miss Dalton
Hello and welcome to Ash Class!
My name is Miss Dalton and I am the class teacher in Year Two. Our fabulous teaching assistants are Mrs Hunt (Mon-Wed am) and Mrs Barratt (Mon-Thurs am).
In Year Two, we spend a lot of time working on our phonics, reading, writing and maths skills and enjoy using all the equipment around the classroom to help us learn. We will also begin to teach the children how to use our school's joined handwriting style. Throughout the year, we will also study lots of different topics such as The Gunpowder Plot, places around the world, nurses through history and much, much more!
For phonics, we use a phonics programme called Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised. For more information on how you can support at home, please go to
At the end of every day Miss Dalton, or another member of the team, will choose a Class Captain. This person gets to be at the front of the line and do all the important jobs for the day!
In line with the school procedures, reading books will be changed by an adult on Tuesdays. These books will link to their learning in phonics and develop their fluency. Each time your child reads and has their record signed, they will be able to move their reading rockets across the stars to reach the prizes and reading three times a week at home earns the children a ticket in the sparkly reading box! Please ensure reading books are sent into school everyday so we can read them with the children too.
Homework will be sent home on Friday to be handed in the following Tuesday.
PE will be on a Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning. Please ensure your child comes to school in their PE kit suitable for outdoors. (White PE T-shirt, Black/Blue leggings or tracksuit bottoms, Black/Blue hoodie and suitable footwear).
If you have any questions, queries or problems please do not hesitate to ask a member of staff.
Thank you!
Files to Download
Ash- Year 2: News items
Champions of the Week 7.3.2025, by Ms Carruthers
Mad Hair Day, by Ms Carruthers
Champions of the Week 14.2.2025, by Ms Carruthers
Ash- Year 2: Galleries items
World Book Day, by Ms Carruthers
Odd Socks Day, by Mrs Carruthers
Family Member to School, by Mrs Carruthers
Ash- Year 2: Calendar items
Chester Zoo Workshop, by Mrs Evington
Parents Evening, by Mrs Evington
Chester Zoo Workshop, by Mrs Evington