Collective Worship

The DfE circular 1/94  guidance on collective worship explains ... that collective worship in schools without a designated religious character will be "wholly or mainly of a broadly Christian nature".

At Upton Westlea Primary School, children participate in Collective Worship. This takes different forms – class assemblies, Key Stage assemblies, whole school assemblies. This mostly takes place in the hall but some Collective Worship takes place in classrooms. Our Collective Worship centres round British Values, our school values and is ‘broadly Christian’. All children are encouraged to reflect and be still during this time. Worldviews and beliefs are explored and we celebrate festivals and special occasions from both Britain and around the world.

Children are also involved in 'No Outsiders' and SCARF assemblies as part of our PSHE curriculum. Themes and school / class priorites are also explored.

Reception children will attend whole school Collective Worship in the hall when they are confident to do so. They will experience class assemblies and Key Stage assemblies to begin with.

Parent/carers may withdraw their child from Collective Worship. Please put this request in writing to the Head Teacher.