Birch- Year 4 2024 - 2025
Miss Costelloe
A big welcome to Birch Class!
My name is Miss Costelloe and I'll be teaching Year 4!
Our teaching assistants will be Miss Hinchliffe (Tuesday - Friday), Mr Jones (Monday AM, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday PM) and Mrs Hunt (Monday PM).
Mrs McCracken will also be teaching French on Wednesdays.
A few things to be aware of:
English and Maths homework will alternate every week either online or paper copy. Homework will be given out on Fridays and due back in the following Tuesday.
Reading is a skill for children to develop. In school, we teach children to read and interpret a variety of texts frequently. Children are expected to read at home at least four times a week and have their reading records signed by an adult. Children who complete this, get a golden ticket in the sparkly box with the chance to win a prize at the end of each half term and a number of weekly rewards. All golden tickets that the children receive over the whole year are kept to be entered into the big prize draw at the end of the academic year.
Physical Education
During this half term, we have PE on Tuesdays and Wednesdays with Mr Grimster.
Please ensure that your child comes into school wearing the correct PE kit. PE kit consists of a white t-shirt, black/blue joggers, black/blue jacket and trainers.
If there are any queries, questions or problems please feel free to message Miss Costelloe on Class Dojo.
Miss Costelloe
Files to Download
Birch- Year 4: News items
Champions of the Week 7.2.2025, by Ms Carruthers
Champions of the Week 31.1.2025, by Ms Carruthers
Champions of the Week 24.1.2025, by Ms Carruthers
Birch- Year 4: Galleries items
Odd Socks Day, by Mrs Carruthers
Family Member to School, by Mrs Carruthers
MacMillan Cake Sale, by Mrs Carruthers
Birch- Year 4: Calendar items
Chester Zoo Workshop, by Mrs Evington
Chester Zoo Workshop, by Mrs Evington
Parents Evening, by Mrs Evington