Holly - Year 5 2024 - 2025
Mr Rimmer
Welcome to Holly's class page!
Welcome to Year 5! My name is Mr Rimmer and this year we are extremely lucky to have Mrs Gold as our teaching assistant in Holly class. Mr Ellinson will deliver our science lessons every Monday afternoon and will also take the children for forest school this year!
Regular reading continues to remain a vital skill for developing your child’s learning in all areas of the curriculum. Children are expected to read to an adult at home four times a week and their reading records signed and brought into school each day. Although many will now approach reading with confidence and enthusiasm, it is important that you ask your child lots of questions about their reading to progress comprehension skills and focus.
Homework will be given out on a Friday and must be completed by the following Tuesday. Homework will be based on the learning of Maths or English from the previous week.
Homework will now be set online using Class Dojo/MyMaths. Please ensure that you and your child are connected to Holly Class. Children will need to sign in via their student connection to allow them to complete the homework set. We also expect that children will log onto Times Table Rock Stars regularly in order to improve their fluency of multiplication and division facts.
Physical Education
PE will be taught on a Thursday morning and Friday afternoon. Children will be expected to arrive in their PE kit and remain in kit throughout the day. Please make sure that your child’s PE kit is weather appropriate (White PE T-shirt, Blue/Black leggings/tracksuit bottoms, Blue/Black hoodie and suitable footwear).
Snacks and Water
Children are permitted to bring in snacks for breaktime, however, I must remind parents that these are healthy snacks such as fruit, vegetables, cereal bars, etc. Water bottles can be brought into school daily but must only be filled with water.
If you have any questions, queries or problems please do not hesitate to contact me on Class Dojo or speak to a member of the office.
Here is to a fantastic, joyful, and productive academic year!
Mr Rimmer
Files to Download
Holly - Year 5: News items
Champions of the Week 7.3.2025, by Ms Carruthers
Mad Hair Day, by Ms Carruthers
Champions of the Week 14.2.2025, by Ms Carruthers
Holly - Year 5: Galleries items
World Book Day, by Ms Carruthers
Odd Socks Day, by Mrs Carruthers
Family Member to School, by Mrs Carruthers
Holly - Year 5: Calendar items
Family Member to School - R, Y3,Y4,Y5 & Y6 1.30pm, by Mrs Evington
Chester Zoo Workshop, by Mrs Evington
Parents Evening, by Mrs Evington