Oak - Year 6 2024 - 2025
Miss Key
Hello and welcome to Year 6!
My name is Miss Key and I teach Year 6 at Upton Westlea. Mr Ellinson will be delivering science lessons and some PSHE sessions on Wednesday afternoons and leading forest school later in the year. Mrs Woollen and Miss Hinchliffe will be supporting us in class throughout the week.
Reading is fun! It is also a fundamental skill which enables children to access all areas of the curriculum. Reading regularly will improve general comprehension skills, develop a broader vocabulary, increase general knowledge and can give children a better understanding of the world around them. Reading just for ten minutes each day can make a huge difference.
We ask that children read at home daily, whether that be a comic, a reading book, a poem or even an online newspaper! Please make sure reading records are signed daily and brought into school each day. If your child reads at least four times per week, they will receive a reading token which will be entered into a half termly class draw!
We aim to do PE twice during the week. Your child should come to school wearing their PE kit on Mondays and Fridays. Please make sure that your child is wearing appropriate kit and trainers on - white PE t-shirt, black/blue leggings or tracksuit bottoms, black/blue hoodie and suitable footwear. No bright colours, football shirts or patterns please.
Homework will be set each Friday and must be returned by the following Tuesday. As the year progresses, children will receive parts of past papers in order to prepare them for their SATs. Getting your child into a regular routine of completing all work sent home will not only support their learning but will support that transition into year 7 next year. We also expect that children will log onto Times Table Rock Stars regularly in order to improve their fluency of multiplication and division facts.
All homework will be based on work covered in class that week and will usually be a consolidation activity.
Children are permitted to bring in snacks for break time, however, we do encourage healthy snacks such as fruit, cereal bars, carrot sticks, etc. Water bottles can be brought into school daily.
Many thanks!
Miss Key
Files to Download
Oak - Year 6: News items
Champions of the Week 7.2.2025, by Ms Carruthers
Champions of the Week 31.1.2025, by Ms Carruthers
Champions of the Week 24.1.2025, by Ms Carruthers
Oak - Year 6: Galleries items
Air Raid Shelters, by Miss Key
Year 6 Art Day Oct 2024, by Miss Key
Odd Socks Day, by Mrs Carruthers
Oak - Year 6: Calendar items
Chester Zoo Workshop, by Mrs Evington
Chester Zoo Workshop, by Mrs Evington
Parents Evening, by Mrs Evington